At least the chickens are coming home to roost in Europe.

A special shoutout to Nigel Farage of the UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) for helping to pull of this latest stunt at the corrupt and incompetent European Parliament. Corrupt because they are draging nation-states into their socialist ever-closer union. Incompetent because they refuse to allow electronic voting and count by hands raised in the 785 member strong parliament.
Guess how often they get the vote wrong, no really, yours might be closer than theirs. They have no way of knowing how the vote went or who voted for what. I repeat, THEY HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING! Couple that with no accountablity on the various Members of Parliament and you have quite a problem for the post democratic European world. But I digress.
Because the political elite have it put in their hearts to acomplish their hidden goal they have denied every country but Ireland the ability or willpower to hold a referendum on the new SELF AMENDING Lisbon Treaty.
In other words they are too chicken for a referendum.
God Bless America,
Nah Nah Noh Naaaah, Not God "Explicitive Deleted" America, God Bless America,
Sorry I couldn't resist. ; )