Would you consider me a Facist?

To anyone who has read the previous 50 posts, I have a question. It has come to my attention that my views concerning local governments are facistic and that I am on the side against freedom. Firstly I want to say that these accusations are not comming from a leftist hippy, but two close conservative relatives. After defending my views I even received a hearty Heil Hitler! hand gesture. I am still loved, it's just that this love comes from eyes suspicious that I may agree more with Hillary Clinton than Bob Dole. I digress
Here are the points that led to said accusations.

1. People are often so ignorant of their local elected officials that many are better off appointed than elected.
2. If the footprint of a metropolitain area exceeds its county boundaries the city limits of the primary city should be enlarged to contain the ENTIRE footprint of the metro area. (South Florida would be an exception, seeing as the metro is 110 miles long a more prudent approach would be to consolidate the primary cities with their respective counties.)
3. A merger of counties around the state, they were created when the world was a much smaller place and before cars. Their function as mid level government is ineffecient in a world with cars, perhaps they can be salvaged if they were larger.
4. Zoning and major project plans of our primary cities ought to be directed from the State, for the benefit of the entire State. Specific examples inclued Ports, Airports and Rail Connections.
5. Current land use laws ought to be updated to reflect New Urbanism Ideals. Walkability, mixed use construction and planned rail service would be the hallmark of greenfield and brownfield development.
6. Green Beltways around major cities for the purpose of limiting sprawl. Two primary benefits are more greenspace around a cities perimiter and the prevention of Orlampa.(The suburbs of Orlando and Tampa becoming indistinguishable from each other) South Florida is 110 miles long without any break from development. The rest of the state is following suit.

Comments are welcome, if you do believe that I am in need of an exorcism or "mental reconditioning" please e-mail me at cliffordsherley@gmail.com if I do receive some e-mails on the matter I may reconsider my positions. If more than two people say something about you than it probably is true.

Signing off and God Bless