
Times were in our country, when we would bicker amongst ourselves as Americans - as family is wont to do - but woe to foreigners who also attacked us… we stood up together against the enemy - again, just like family.

At what point did we begin letting outsiders – enemies, foreigners, etc – in on our family gatherings? When did we begin to let them in - behind closed doors - on our bickering? When did we stop protecting our family and letting those who aren’t family gain ammunition against us?

Some clichés that don’t seem so cliché anymore, come to mind:

United we stand, divided we fall
Family is family and outsiders are outsiders
Don’t air your dirty laundry in public
You and me against the world
If you give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile

And we wonder why our economy is failing, why our politicans seem to ignore us, why the world no longer respects us, why terrorists are beating a path to our door and why we cannot seem to stem the tide of illegal immigrants... United we stand, divided we fall… yeah… how about that…

Reposted with permission from Poets Corner